Is Japan Preparing For War?

East Asia on edge over skyrocketing defense spending

Simon Duits
8 min readMar 18, 2023
A parade by Japan’s Self-Defense Force. [photo by Rikujojieitai Boueisho]

Like Germany, Japan is undergoing a significant transformation in its defense policies, and the effects are felt across East Asia.

After World War II, both countries adopted a pacifist approach, vowing never to attack their neighbors again. However, the winds of change are blowing, and Japan’s long-standing pacifist approach is being challenged by a shift in strategic imperatives.

The country is now rapidly building up its military might, with a surge in defense spending that could reshape the security landscape of the region.

What is going on?

Last December, Japan presented a new National Security Strategy that aims to double the country’s defense spending within five years. The plan is to reach the NATO norm of a defense budget totaling at least 2% of a country’s GDP, even though Japan isn’t a member of NATO.

This year’s defense budget is already 26% higher than in 2022, making it the largest increase since 1952! By 2027, the defense budget is expected to reach $100 billion annually, making Japan the world’s third-largest defense spender, surpassing even Russia — a country actually at war.



Simon Duits

Let's get real with realpolitik. • I'll guide you across the tectonic rifts in international affairs. • Master's degree in History.