Ex-Google CEO Hypes Up Russian War Machine

“OK Google, end the war!”

Simon Duits
7 min readJan 31, 2024

Kyiv is learning an ancient wisdom the hard way: the sinews of war are infinite money. Lucky for Ukraine, billionaires are joining its war of national survival with heaps of private wealth.

The downside is that they tend to overstate the Russian threat, because that plays right into their hands. It is, in fact, the essence of their sales pitch.

Eric Schmidt, former CEO and chairman of Google, is investing big-time in Ukraine. [photo by WEF]

Russia ascending

A battle for the skies is raging over Ukraine. Drones from both sides have frozen the frontlines solid in most places. By convention, such a stalemate is broken by infantry assaults. They alone can remove by hand the obstacles blocking tanks and armored vehicles. But with the airspace over the trenches filled with drones, few dare approach — and of those that do, even fewer live to tell the tale.

The Ukrainian army leads the transition to drone warfare. Soon after Russia’s onslaught almost two years ago, Kyiv embraced its potential. Drones were instrumental in eliminating Russian armored columns.

With Iranian help, Russia is upping its game in the drone department. But it’s still playing catch-up.

Foreign Affairs, however, sees things differently. Or it pretends to.



Simon Duits

Let's get real with realpolitik. • I'll guide you across the tectonic rifts in international affairs. • Master's degree in History.